MCG - MCG BioComposites provides raw materials that enable your operation to proudly provide ecologically sound products that adhere to the principles of recycling MCG - MCG BioComposites provides raw materials that enable your operation to proudly provide ecologically sound products that adhere to the principles of recycling MCG - MCG BioComposites provides raw materials that enable your operation to proudly provide ecologically sound products that adhere to the principles of recycling
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MCG - MCG BioComposites provides raw materials that enable your operation to proudly provide ecologically sound products that adhere to the principles of recycling
MCG - MCG BioComposites provides raw materials that enable your operation to proudly provide ecologically sound products that adhere to the principles of recycling

BIO 101

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MCG BioComposites, LLC
3425 Sycamore Ct. NE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
Phone: (319) 378-0077
Email Us
MCG - MCG BioComposites provides raw materials that enable your operation to proudly provide ecologically sound products that adhere to the principles of recycling



MCG BioComposites offers the following material details.

MCG BioComposites, LLC: CPI’s patented thermoplastic compression transfer molding and in-line compounding hardware systems.
Compounded CC HPPP 8020

MCG BioComposites, LLC: CPI’s patented thermoplastic compression transfer molding and in-line compounding hardware systems.
Plant markers for the eco-friendly gardener in mind! Made with proprietary blend of biomass and recycled plastics that is stronger and more durable!

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Material produced by our compounder. Resin is a combination of 30% blend of corn cob fiber and injection molding grade polypropylene.

SC 50
A proprietary blend of wheat starch and polypropylene for injection molding applications. Contains 50% wheat starch by weight, however, a range of properties can be achieved by altering the starch to plastic ratio and by the inclusion or admission of other updateitives. Formulations can range from 30% to 65% starch are available upon request.

SC 65
A proprietary blend of wheat starch and polypropylene for injection molding applications. Contains 65% wheat starch by weight, however, a range of properties can be achieved by altering the starch to plastic ratio and by the inclusion or admission of other updateitives. Formulations can range from 30% to 65% starch are available upon request.

BioMarkers Case Study on BioDegradable Material
MCG BioComposites LLC began operations in 2007. Early on the company worked hard to market their biocomposite resin to various organization’ OEMs. There was signifcant resistance because all they could show them were the resin pellets. After brainstorming, the solution was simple. Create a product made from the biocomposite resin to show an example of how the material could be used in tangible application, in addition to providing a data sheet detailing the physical characteristics, qualities and mold flow analysis of the resin.

WC 100300
A propretary blend of pine wood fiber and reprocessed polypropylene for injection molding applications. Contains 30% wood fiber by weight, however, a range of properties can be achieved by altering the wood to plastic ratio and by inclusion or admission of other updateitives. Formulations containing anywhere from 30% to 60% wood are available upon request.


MCG - MCG BioComposites provides raw materials that enable your operation to proudly provide ecologically sound products that adhere to the principles of recycling MCG - MCG BioComposites provides raw materials that enable your operation to proudly provide ecologically sound products that adhere to the principles of recycling
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MCG - MCG BioComposites provides raw materials that enable your operation to proudly provide ecologically sound products that adhere to the principles of recycling


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MCG BioComposites, LLC

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